Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions – September 2022


Article 1 – SCOPE

The underlying General Terms and Conditions outline the framework for all commercial relationships that arise from ordering on the website www.roandoro.comco. They take precedence over any other general or specific condition.

Article 2 – ACCEPTANCE

Using the website www.roandoro.comco as well as placing an order implies that the Customer unconditionally and irrevocably accepts the underlying General Terms and Conditions.


Oroandoro.be, trading under VAT NUMBER 421977417, assigned to NV LUXMA

Business address: Industriepark 1239, 3545 Halen Belgium.

Phone number ; 013/44 40 94

E-mail : info@oroandoro.co


Services: all services offered on this website in general

Customer: anyone who enters into a commercial relationship with oroandoro.be by purchasing a product. A Customer is deemed to be authorized to make this purchase and to be authorized to enter into a commercial transaction.

Order: any order placed by a Customer in accordance with the conditions described in Article 5.

Article 5 – ORDER

You must be of age to place an order www.roandoro.comco . Minors or other incapacitated persons must be represented by their parents or legal representative, who are also bound by our general and sales conditions.

The products, as defined in Article 4, are offered for sale through the website www.roandoro.comco . Irrespective of any written proof that the Customer may have, it is expressly agreed that only the data registered in the computer system of oroandoro.be, its 'hosting' partner, or its internet payment partner, constitute proof of the communication, the content of the order and all of the transactions that have taken place between the parties. In any case, the Customer will receive a confirmation of his order by e-mail after the purchase.


The prices stated during the purchase process are in Euro, and include VAT and administrative costs, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The prices of the products and services do not include transport costs. These are charged separately.

Oroandoro.be reserves the right to refuse any order from a Customer with whom a dispute is pending, or with which a dispute has arisen in the past.

You can only pay for your order online and only with a credit or debit card (VISA, American Express, Master Card, Bancontact, KBC Online, etc.

The Customer's bank account is debited after confirmation of the purchase, and the payment only becomes effective when the Customer's bank has given its approval to Oroandoro.be. In the event that the Customer's bank refuses payment, the order will automatically be rejected. In case of unavailability of servers, Oroandoro.be reserves the right to re-apply for authorization of payment

In the event that you exercise your right of withdrawal as referred to in Article 10 of these terms and conditions, your refund will be paid to the same card or account that you used for the order.

The Customers guarantee that they are legitimate to make online payments with one of the payment methods mentioned above and that there is sufficient coverage in the bank account linked to the credit card, bancontact card, PayPal account to cover all costs arising from the transaction. cover. Entering confidential payment details on this website is extremely secure thanks to SSL encryption (Secure Socket Layer). Oroandoro.be works together with Mollie for the handling of the online payment. The security system used by Mollie is one of the most reliable and secure in the world.

Oroandoro.be has no access to the confidential payment details of its Customers. These are therefore not stored at Oroandoro.be. The confidential payment details (bank cards, due dates, security codes) are only accessible to the company Mollie. This is the reason why we have to be asked again for the payment details of the Customer with every purchase.

By clicking on the “Pay” button in the Webshop, you unconditionally accept our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy as a whole and in their version in effect at the time you place your Order.

Non-compliance by the Customer with our general terms and conditions, and in particular in case of fraud or attempted fraud, and in case of any other payment dispute, may lead to the suspension of access to the webshop, without prejudice to any damage that Oroandoro.be could can claim. Therefore, Oroandoro.be reserves the right to refuse to fulfill an Order of a Customer with whom such a dispute exists.


The products, as well as the prices, are valid as they appear on the Oroandoro.be website, within the limits of the availability of these products. Oroandoro.be is committed to making every effort to deliver all orders.

Nevertheless, Oroandoro.be cannot be held responsible for the unavailability of a product, nor for the damage that could result from it. In the event that one or more products of an order are not available, the Customer will be informed by email or telephone that his/her order will be canceled in whole or in part. In case the unavailability is established and communicated at the moment that the Customer has already paid for its products, Oroandoro.be will immediately ask its bank to refund the amounts paid. The Customer will be informed of this by email. The speed with which the actual refund takes place then depends on the payment method used by the Customer to make his purchase. In case the purchase was made with a credit card, the refund will be visible on the next monthly credit card statement. If the Customer feels that the refund is taking an abnormally long time, it is recommended that the Customer contacts his/her bank.

Article 8 – DELIVERY

The orders are delivered to the delivery address as specified by the Customer during the ordering process and according to the conditions described there. Orders can only be delivered to addresses located in Belgium, the Netherlands, France or Luxembourg, with the exception of PO boxes. Oroandoro.be reserves the right to split the order into one or more deliveries depending on the availability of the products. Each delivery is announced by email, in which the Customer is asked to consult his invoice on the Oroandoro.be website. The invoice also states the transport costs and VAT. The delivery is accompanied by a delivery note, which also states the details of the delivered goods. The delivery is offered to the Customer or to any other person present at the delivery address and who has a power of attorney to receive the package. If no one can receive the package at the time it is presented, the carrier will leave a message in the mailbox with the name and contact details of the carrier. The Customer must then contact the carrier himself to see where and when the package can be picked up by the Customer. Oroandoro.be ensures that the order is processed in the shortest possible time. Oroandoro.be can under no circumstances be held responsible for any delay in the delivery of the products or services, nor for any damage that may result therefrom. Oroandoro.be undertakes that the delivery takes place at the latest 30 days after the order date. The control system used by the carrier serves as proof of the effective delivery of the order (and of the proper receipt of the Customer), subject to evidence to the contrary from the Customer. In the event that a Customer demonstrates that a delivery has not been delivered within 30 days of the order date, the Customer can cancel the order without any damage, provided that he/she is sent by registered letter, with acknowledgment of receipt, to the address stated in Article 3 of the underlying General Terms and Conditions, informs Oroandoro.be that he/she wishes to cancel his/her order. If a product is not delivered to the delivery address within 30 days after the order date, it is up to the Customer to contact Oroandoro.be within 7 working days after receipt of the delivery. Contact must be made through the “Contact Us” section of the Oroandoro.be website, following the on-screen instructions. Once the 7 days have passed, complaints and returns will no longer be admissible. The right to return an order that was delivered too late is valid insofar as the delivery is actually returned within 14 days after the Customer has informed Oroandoro.be that he/she wishes to cancel his/her purchase. The procedure for returning is further explained in article 10.


All products offered for sale on the Oroandoro.be website are described in good conscience and as faithfully as possible. Nevertheless, the photos shown on the website have no contractual value whatsoever. Oroandoro.be declines any responsibility for errors that may occur in the descriptions of the products or services or in the photos. On the other hand, Oroandoro.be undertakes to rectify any errors reported to it in writing as quickly as possible. If the product that is delivered does not correspond to what is stated on the delivery note, the Customer can return the product or service within 7 calendar days of receipt. Once these 7 days have passed, complaints and returns will no longer be admissible. The procedure for returning is further explained in article 10.


In accordance with the Code of Economic Law, the Customer has the right to inform the seller that he wishes to cancel his purchase, without having to pay compensation for this, and without having to give a reason, within 14 days following the delivery of the products.

This right of renunciation does not apply to professional buyers.

If a Customer wishes to inform Oroandoro.be that he wishes to cancel his purchase, he must do so via the model withdrawal form on the website.

The right of renunciation is valid insofar as the product is actually returned within 7 working days after the Customer has informed Oroandoro.be that he/she wishes to renounce his/her purchase. The returned product must be returned in new condition, in its original packaging, in perfect condition and accompanied by the invoice and a fully completed return document. Any return whose sender cannot be identified will be refused. Once the 7 working days have passed, Oroandoro.be is no longer able to accept the return, and the return will be returned to the sender. The return must be sent to the address stated in article 3. The Customer must pay the return shipping costs. The refund will be made within 7 days from the day on which Oroandoro.be is informed of the consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract in accordance with this article, provided that all conditions as described above are strictly met and that Oroandoro.be has returned the goods. has been returned, or until the consumer has demonstrated that he has returned the goods. The amount that is refunded will in any case never exceed the amount actually paid by the Customer. If a voucher was used during the purchase, it will also be returned. This voucher can then be used again for a subsequent purchase. The right of withdrawal can also be exercised after the purchase has been made, but before the order has been shipped. In that case, the refund will be made within 14 days after the day on which Oroandoro.be is informed of the consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract in accordance with this article. Oroandoro.be will send an email when it has received the return and when it has asked its bank to make a refund.

Article 11 – GUARANTEE

We guarantee that our goods are in conformity with your order and meet the normal expectations that you may have, taking into account the specifications of the product. Of course we also guarantee that the articles comply with all laws existing at the time of your order. In addition, with regard to the delivery of items, we apply the legal minimum warranty period of two years if the good does not conform to the order placed. This means that in the event of defects or defects in the article up to 2 years after delivery, this good will be repaired or replaced free of charge. Insofar as this is possible and reasonable, you have the choice between repair or replacement. Only in case the repair or replacement is excessive or impossible or cannot be carried out within a reasonable period of time, you have the right to demand a price reduction or the dissolution of the sales contract. If the defect or defect manifests itself within 6 months after delivery, it is deemed to have existed before delivery, unless we can prove the contrary. After 6 months you will have to prove yourself that the defect was already present at the time of delivery. In any case, the guarantee does not apply to products that have been damaged intentionally or are damaged through negligence (breakage, moisture, unsuitable temperature, rust, infiltration of a liquid, overvoltage, fire, or any other form of force majeure) and to products of which it is clear that they have been opened (repair and/or adjustment carried out by a repairer not authorized by Oroandoro.be). Likewise, the guarantee does not apply if the damage is caused by wear and tear, transport, misuse, maintenance with wrong products and/or by not respecting the instructions in the manual. If the product does not fall under one of the above exclusions, the warranty must be used within 2 months after receipt of the product. If these 2 months have passed, the guarantee can no longer be used. The legal guarantee also covers hidden defects. For all questions regarding the guarantee, the Customers can go to the Oroandoro.be website by clicking on the “Contact” section.

The prices and rates on Oroandoro.be include VAT and all other taxes (subject to changes in such taxes), unless stated otherwise on the website or in the confirmation email.

Obvious mistakes in prices and/or descriptions and errors in an offer are not binding. When a Customer purchases a Product on Oroandoro.be, he or she agrees to the relevant cancellation and no-show conditions.


The texts, the database containing all data published on the website, the layout and graphic design of the web pages, the sales catalogue, the photos and images on the website of Oroandoro.be are protected by copyright worldwide , copyright rights, trademark rights and all other forms of intellectual property rights. They therefore remain the exclusive property of Oroandoro.be. For that reason, any form of copying, publication, counterfeiting or any other form of use, in any form whatsoever, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Oroandoro.be. Any infringement against this will be legally prosecuted by Oroandoro.be.


Oroandoro.be can under no circumstances be held responsible for direct or indirect damage suffered as a result of the use of the Products as described in Article 4, except in the event of intent or gross negligence on the part of Oroandoro.be. Oroandoro.be cannot be held responsible for any errors in the photos or texts used for the product descriptions on the Oroandoro.be website. Oroandoro.be declines any responsibility for damage caused by a defect, malfunction or misuse of a product sold on the Oroandoro.be website, except in the event of intent or gross negligence on the part of Oroandoro .be. Oroandoro.be cannot be held responsible for the inability to deliver orders in case of force majeure, such as disruption or strike of transport, postal or communication services, flood, fire, etc. In all cases where the responsibility of Oroandoro.be is addressed, Oroandoro.be's responsibility is limited to the amount actually paid by the Customer for an order.


Any dispute will be brought exclusively by the courts of Hasselt, i.e. the Justice of the Peace of the second canton, the Court of First Instance or the Court of Commerce, as all agreements are deemed to have been entered into at our registered office and must be executed there. brought.


Oroandoro.be can change the underlying General Terms and Conditions at any time, among other things to comply with legal obligations.


Customer satisfaction is a top priority for Oroandoro.be. In case of a question or complaint, we therefore ask you to always contact our customer service employees. They can be reached every working day by e-mail via the “Contact” link that is available on every page of the site. You can count on receiving a quick response.

Any dispute will be brought exclusively by the courts of Hasselt, i.e. the Justice of the Peace of the second canton, the Court of First Instance or the Court of Commerce, as all agreements are deemed to have been entered into at our registered office and must be executed there. brought.


See website under the heading 'Privacy policy'.