Privacy and Cookie Policy

The website is a limited liability company under Belgian law, established in Belgium at Industriepark 1239, 3545 Halen Belgium. Registered under company number (assigned to NV Luxma) 0421977417, and with VAT number BE 421977417, hereinafter referred to as “”.

The website is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our Customers, including you. Employees of are also customers, or of, or of other websites. That is why we fully understand and respect the importance of data protection and security on the internet.

We believe that you should be both informed and aware of how we handle and use your information. This Communication therefore clarifies:

  • what information we collect when you use a website or when you interact with us;
  • why we collect this information;
  • how we can use this information afterwards;
  • how we share that information;
  • how long we keep your information and how we protect it while it is in our possession;
  • what we will not do with your information; and
  • what choices and options you have to manage your data.

So you only need to look in one place to find everything you need to know about our Privacy Policy.

Our General Data Principles

Everything we do in relation to your information is subject to the following overarching data principles:

  • Your information belongs to you and not us. You should be able to control it and be informed and familiar with everything we do with your information;
  •  Where necessary, we will ask for your consent and we will only collect, store, use and share your information (a) for professional purposes (based on a legitimate interest) which we have clearly explained to you and which you have not objected to, or (b) where we are required by law to do so. Once these objectives are fully achieved, we will delete your data;
  • We will be as clear and open as possible about what information we collect, why we collect it and how we use it so that you are informed and able to make decisions about how you can manage your data in the most comfortable way possible ;

 As long as we are in possession of your information, we will keep it up to date and protect it as if it were our own personal information, using appropriate security measures.

How do we collect information about you?

With each of your interactions with, we may collect information in two ways:

  1. When you provide the information directly to us

Whenever you visit a website of, purchase our products or communicate with us, you can choose to voluntarily provide us with certain information, for example by filling in text boxes or clicking on active buttons on our website, such as 'Add to Shopping Cart'. All of this information requires immediate action from you at that time in order for us to receive it.

  1. When our systems collect information or data while you use our websites or apps, or when you use websites or apps connected to

Today, whenever you use a website, app or other internet service, certain information is automatically created and recorded by the IT systems necessary to operate that site, app or service. For example:

  • when logging in to we use “cookies” (a small text file sent by your computer each time you visit our website and unique to your account or your browser) to to make it easier to use and improve your shopping experience with us or to allow us to store log data related to the pages you have viewed and the activities you have performed during your visit. For example, we may use cookies to store your language preferences or other settings so that you don't have to set them every time you visit These cookies may be "session bound" (which persist until you close your browser) or "persistent" cookies (which persist until you or your browser delete them). Some of the cookies we use are directly associated with your account (regarding things like the email address you have given us), others are not. More information about our use of cookies can be found in our cookie policy; or
  • In addition, the type of device you use to access and the settings on that device may provide us with information about your device, including what type of device it is, what operating system you are using, what the settings of your device and why a crash happened. The information we receive depends on the type of device you use and the settings. For example, different types of information are available depending on whether you are using a Mac or PC, or an iPhone or Android phone. The manufacturer of your device or the supplier of your operating system will be able to provide more details about the information that your device makes available to us.

What information do we collect about you, why do we collect this information and what do we do with it?

We collect information that according to the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 –


  • “personally identifiable” information (meaning it can be used to specifically identify you); or
  • “non-personally identifiable” information (meaning it relates to you but cannot be used to specifically identify you, ie pseudonymous data such as your unique customer number).

The easiest way to explain the specific information we collect about you is to look at every point of interaction you may have with, as we collect different information at different points in your user or customer journey with These interaction points include:

  • Browsing our site;
  • Make a purchase at (ie add to your shopping cart, check out and complete a purchase);
  • Contact the, either in connection with an order or for any other reason;
  • Using the social media channels of;
  • Clicking on banners, hyperlinks or plug-ins.

The following explains what information we collect at each of these interaction points, along with confirming whether you provide this information to us directly, whether we collect it with your consent, or whether it is collected by our technical systems:

  • Surf on : When you are logged in to, we use cookies and codes integrated into our systems to collect and record certain data about the visitors of the site, such as:
  • the IP address of the computer or proxy server you use to access ;
  • the type of device used to access our Services, the details and settings of your computer's operating system, your type of web browser and your settings for that browser, the name of your ISP (if you use from a mobile device), your mobile phone, your mobile phone operating system, your mobile phone identifier provided by your mobile phone operating system, your location data (if you have enabled this functionality) and other general information about your device or your system;
  • statistical information and log data about the number of visits to certain pages on the site (e.g. the home page); the pages you viewed and the activities you performed during your visit; the date and time of your visit; the duration of an individual page visualization and the navigation path of visitors on the website.

Because you are always logged in to while browsing, a cookie on your device will identify you and record and associate all non-personally identifiable usage information and log data with your account.

  • Buy at : To purchase products from, please proceed as follows:
  • Go to the site and make your choice from the range.
  • select certain options regarding the delivery of the items you wish to order. Our systems collect this information in relation to your delivery selections so that when you complete your order, we can process and deliver the selected items according to your preferred delivery method.
  • finally, to complete your order, click on the corresponding “Place order” button. Once we receive this information, we will record full details of the completed order in our systems so that we can (a) process and deliver your order, (b) add the order to your order history and get a record of your purchases to answer any questions that you have or to process any returns, and
  • include this order in the financial records of our business transactions.
  • Contact the : if, for any reason, you contact our Customer Care department we will register the contact and collect all applicable information related to the contact and then:
  • retain and use it to help us categorize, respond to and, if necessary, investigate, address and resolve a problem or incident, and
  • so that we have a history of all our communications with you, any issues you may have had with us and what we have done to resolve those issues or incidents, which we can then use to ensure that we have any further contacts be treated in an appropriate manner.
  • Using or interacting with the social media channels of : When you use or interact with one of our social media channels (such as Facebook), we may collect, store and retain certain information about your activities on those social media channels – such as the frequency of your visits. For example, if you use the Facebook “like” button to indicate that you like one of our pages on apps, or if you tag or link one of your social media contacts to content you post, we will record this information. Any content you post or add to any of our social media channels is considered Data. We will collect, record and use this content and any other information you provide when you post or submit it to any of our social media channels (including any information that you have given those social media channels permission to share with us or that your user settings on these sites is allowed).

Finally, any additional personal information that you are required to provide when using a particular social media channel or app is explained in the terms and conditions for that app.

  • Clicking on e-mails, banners, hyperlinks or plug-ins: When you view or click on e-mails that we have sent you, banners, hyperlinks or plug-ins that we have placed on our website or on other websites, both your action and the address of the site on which you were then considered to be directly provided data that we will store. We will use this information to monitor and analyze the success of these emails, banners, hyperlinks or plug-ins in our interactions with you. We are constantly innovating to improve and our Services which means we can create new ways to collect information about you. If this is the case, we will inform you of new information we collect through updates to this privacy policy.

How may we use your information?

We collect all of this information from you for various purposes and want you to understand it. These purposes apply wherever does business, both inside and outside the EU. Some specific uses for specific data have already been described in detail above. However, we often need to collectively use many different types of information or data in order for to be operational and provide its Services to you. These more fundamental objectives include the collective use of your information:

  • To ensure that the content of our site is presented to you as effectively as possible and to enable you to use the interactive features of our Services, when you choose to do so, for example by providing you with more customized services and a personalized experience on, including through language-specific profile pages, updates, content, news, advice and/or recommendations that are of interest to you.
  • To set up and manage your account so that you can place orders, so that we can deliver our products and services to you, so that we can make sure the items you order get to you (and delivered on time!), so that we can communicate with you about your orders and your account so that we can monitor potential issues and trends and personalize our support to better serve you – this basically covers the details of our online retail business. It involves anything to do with placing the products on the website for you to browse and then order so that we can deliver them to you afterwards and answer any questions you may have. This is the basis of the success of
  • To ensure that our Customers are real persons and that we are paid for the goods we ship – for example, by using personal information or disclosing that personal information to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, to confirm your identity and to carry out appropriate anti-fraud checks to feed. Such a credit reference or fraud prevention agency may maintain that information, but please note that no formal credit check is performed and your credit rating will not be affected.
  • To keep you informed of our latest products, news and special offers. If you have registered with us and have chosen to receive our marketing communications, we will keep you informed of our future sales via daily or weekly email and push notifications. You will also have the opportunity to receive such communications from us. Examples of such communications include: (1) welcome and commitment communications – informing you how best to use, new features, etc.; (2) announcements about future or pending sales. These messages are sent to you based on your profile information and the messaging preferences selected by you in relation to your account.
  • To send service announcements about, for example, the availability of services, security and other problems with the functioning of You may/will receive service announcements even if you have unsubscribed from our mailing list, as they usually contain important information about your account and about the security or the Services that we need to notify you of. For this reason, you cannot unsubscribe from the service announcements.
  • In order to send banners and advertisements specifically tailored to you when you browse other websites (called Digital Marketing Retargeting), we use various digital marketing networks, ad exchanges and advertising technologies such as web beacons, pixels, ad tags, cookies and mobile identifiers and are the banners and advertisements you see based on your previous use of (for example, your search history, the content you read on , etc. ) or on banners or advertisements that you have previously clicked.
  • In order to improve's products and services and to develop new products, uses and stores statistical information and site log data to identify potential areas where we can further improve our services.

Transfer of your data

We will only transfer your data to other countries if we are sure that they provide the appropriate safeguards for this data.

The information we collect from you may be transferred to and stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not 100% secure. We will do our best to protect your personal data, but cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to our site; any transfer is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security measures to prevent unauthorized access as much as possible.

How do we share the information we collect?

We are aware that you are entrusting your information to and not to any other company. However, in order to run our business, we need to partner with a number of parties who are experts in their respective fields – after all, we are good at what we do, but we are not equally good at everything! We are very careful with whom we share your information, but it is important that you understand when such information is shared and why. This is explained in this chapter. The exceptional cases where we may share your information include:

We share your information externally with our key service providers when it is necessary for our business. Like any other company, relies on a number of third party companies to provide a range of essential services, products and applications that enable us to provide the Services. These include, for example, companies that help us collect and pack orders, make deliveries, support our customers, perform fraud protection checks and credit risk limits, support our IT systems, monitor our security, our marketing make it possible, verify that we are doing what we are supposed to do, or ensure that we keep correct books. After all, we can't do everything ourselves and our collaboration with experts in different fields allows us to improve our Service to you in the fastest and most efficient way.

Each of the third-party companies we work with has been selected by us based on their ability to provide what we need to our required specifications, including their ability to handle sensitive data (such as your personal data) in a secure and appropriate manner. Each of these third-party companies has a contract with us that clearly sets out our expectations and requirements in handling your information and makes them fully responsible for meeting those expectations and requirements. On this basis alone, we may disclose your personal information to such third parties who need to have specific and personal access to your information in order to facilitate our Services to perform a number of strategic tasks on our behalf. They may only use this information in accordance with our instructions, not to disclose it or use it for any other purpose. We are confident that we can entrust your information to these third-party service providers.

We share your information when we believe it is reasonably necessary to protect or our Customers. Unfortunately, (like many other companies) can face attempts at fraudulent or criminal activity, sometimes requiring us to take certain steps to protect both our business and our Customers. We may therefore disclose your information if we believe in good faith that the disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) detect, investigate, prevent or take action against suspected or actual illegal activity, fraud, security or technical problems, or to assist national enforcement authorities; (2) enforce or apply our terms of use; (3) investigate and defend ourselves against claims or allegations made by third parties; (4) protect the security or integrity of our services; or (5) exercise or protect the rights, property or safety of , our Clients or others.

How we DO NOT use your information

We will NOT sell your information to any Party outside the Group without your consent:

We will not sell your personally identifiable information – including your name, address, email address or credit card information – to any third party. We believe this is absolutely necessary to gain and reward your trust.

We will NOT share your information with any third party advertiser or ad networks:

We do not currently serve third-party advertisements on our website and, even if we did, we would not consent to the sharing of your personally identifiable information with third-party advertisers or ad networks.

How long do we keep your information?

In the explanation above, we have tried to be as specific as possible about how long we keep your information. In general, however, we will keep the information you provide for as long as your account exists, or when it is necessary to provide the Services to you, or (in the case of any contact with us) for as long as necessary to provide support only for reporting and trend analysis.

If required by law or if it is reasonably necessary to comply with regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or

Conditions, we may also retain certain information, if necessary, for a limited period of time, even after you close your account or when it is no longer necessary to provide the Services to you.

Your options and choices

We want you to make simple and meaningful choices about your information. While we work hard behind the scenes to protect you and your data at all times, we also strive to provide you with tools to manage the privacy and security of your data ourselves.

With respect to your information coming into our possession and recognizing that it is your choice to provide us with your personally identifiable information, we undertake to provide you with the opportunity to do the following:

  • You can check the data you have provided to by contacting us. Our security procedures mean that we may request proof of identity, including your email address and possibly your address, before disclosing any information.
  • You can also contact us in the same way to change, correct or delete the personal information stored in your profile managed by at any time.
  • You can revoke or change your consent granted to for the collection and processing of the information you provide at any time.
  • You can also close your account through your account settings. If you close your account(s), we will deactivate them and use all reasonable efforts to remove information from closed accounts, usually within 30 days of account closure, except as set forth in this notice. However, we may retain archived copies of your information where required by law or for legitimate business purposes (including to address fraud and spam).
  • You can unsubscribe from our marketing communications at any time. You can do this through your account settings by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in any email you receive from us, or by contacting us. Once you do this, we will update your profile to ensure that you do not receive further marketing emails. Please note that it may take several days for this fact to be updated in all our systems and you may receive a limited number of emails from us while we process your request. Please also note that you will still receive service announcements from time to time (see chapter 'How may we use your data').
  • You can request a copy of your personal data stored in our systems at any time. If you wish, please contact us. We will not charge you for this, but may need to ask some questions to confirm your identity before providing you with any information.

The device or software you use may provide you with choices to access For example, the browser you use may give you the option to manage cookies or other types of local data storage, or your mobile device may give you the choice of whether or not to share location or other data with us and inform you about the way this happens. [In particular, if you are not a fan of online advertising, we recommend that you learn more about the Do Not Track browser setting.] For more information about these choices, please check your device or contact your software supplier.

Protecting your safety

We always try to ensure that your information is protected. Once we receive your information, we use various security features and procedures, taking into account industry standards, to protect the personal information you provide and prevent unauthorized access to that information. For example:

  • We provide secure “https” access to the transactional areas of the website.
  • Access to is password protected and sensitive data (such as credit card information) exchanged between your web browser and the Services is protected by SSL encryption. In addition, to further protect your credit card, we do not store any details of the security code (or CCV code) that you must enter to complete an order with your credit card.

Changes to this Policy

We may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes to the way we handle your personal data or to the Privacy Policy, we will clearly indicate this on the website or Services or by other means such as email so that you have the opportunity to review the changes before continuing to use the websites/services.

COOKIE POLICY is a limited liability company under Belgian law, established in Belgium at Industriepark 1239, 3545 Halen Belgium. Registered under company number (assigned to Luxma) 0421977417, and with VAT number BE 421977417, hereinafter referred to as “”.

At we use cookies on our website

Cookies are small pieces of text that are sent by your web browser when you visit a website. The cookie file is stored in your web browser and allows the service or a third party to recognize you to make your next visit easier and your experience more relevant.

There are “persistent” and “session” cookies.

There are three main types of cookies – here's how and why we use them.

  • Cookies for website functionality:

these cookies allow you to navigate the website and use our functions (for example, 'Add to shopping cart').

  • Website analytics cookies:

these cookies allow us to measure and analyze the way you use our website to improve both its functionality and your shopping experience.

  • Preference cookies:

when you browse or buy on the website, these cookies remember your preferences (such as your language or location) to make your shopping experience seamless and more personal to you.

By accessing the website, you agree that we may use these types of cookies on your device

You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information previously stored via the settings of your browser

Changes to this Policy

We may change this Cookie Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes to the way we treat your personal data, or to our Privacy Policy itself, we will make this clear on the website or by other means (email, …) so that you can review the changes. before browsing the website.

This page was last updated in September 2022