The trend of black sounds

The choice for black accents in an interior and black door fittings is clear. 75% of what we sell in door hardware is black. However, black is the darkest and hardest color we have in the color arsenal.

So what is the attraction of black?

The power of black is very simple : black is stylish and provides a tight contrast.

 Black provides contrast

Black currently plays an important role in an interior because it ensures that other colors come into their own. Black adds a certain dynamism and depth, as it were. It does not attract attention in itself but ensures that the rest of your interior will stand out all the more!

 Show guts with black in your interior

Just like with black clothing, black gives a stylish look. It stands for mysterious, rebellious and adds extra character to your home and interior.

 Black is back in

Due to the emergence of new modern living styles, black is back in fashion. You will often find black in a modern interior. On the other hand, black often plays a role in a rather industrial style of living, because it adds a vintage accent. As a result, the tough character of black fits wonderfully with this.

Combination black with white

The love for black and white is universal and of all times.

We are often attracted to black and white contrasts in an interior because these contrasts enhance the sense of space. After all, it is the greatest possible contrast. It is timeless and it forms a calm base against which every other color can come into its own. Just look at how beautifully this ACE black matches a white door. Even tighter without unnecessary rosas.